My usually docile older goat has had an abrupt change in behavior. She is pushy, boosy and a chow hound. I think we have a close kidding. The reason I only think is that she was with the buck several times from July 21 until Mach 17.
I stopped milking her daily about three weeks ago (thinking a later kidding and we love the milk) and went to every other day and then every third day. I noticed she was full yesterday and thought to relieve her. The milk went into the refrigerater as always but when I had my coffee it tasted awful. Then I tasted the milk! It tasted like milk taken after kidding still having the colostrum aftertaste.
I got out my calendar and looked at the first time she was bred...July 21st...could she really be having kids in nine days??????????????
Behavior and milk taste as well as size make me think it could happen.
I need to get the kidding pen ready.
Replies kids and she is already top dog because the others are young ones.
PlayRite Farm said:
Ah we put her in the kidding pen and , of course, she has done nothing!
Julie Baer said:
Any changes with your doe?
She's not terribly huge, but that doesn't mean much. If she is really long-bodied, she could be hiding a lot in there. Be sure to tell us when it happens! Hope you're not going to get this blizzard that we have.
This was taken through the house window of her this morning. I think she looks big.
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
Yes, she could. Nigerians tend to kid between 144 and 147 days, but I've had one go as early as 141 with healthy kids. They rarely reach 150, and I've only had one kid at 151. They're very predictable. Udders vary from goat to goat. First fresheners may not fill up until a day or two before kidding, but senior does can fill up a month beforehand.