Case of Diarrhea/ Scours

On Tuesday I noticed my 2-yr-old doe had diarrhea. I gave her 5g of Probios Tuesday night and didn't feed her. Wednesday she still had it so I did the same thing morning and evening. I didn't milk her on Wednesday and didn't give her any grain. She has a doeling that took care of the milk for me. Yesterday, she still had bad diarrhea. I gave her 1C grain mix and milked her in the morning, then dewormed her with Positive Pellets and sprinkled DE on top sometime between 10-11 am. I didn't feed her last night, but I did give her 5g of Probios. This morning I milked her and again gave her 1 C of grain mix. She typically gets alfalfa pellets as well, but I haven't given her any of those.

This whole time her eyelids have been a light pink. She got COWP Sept. 5th. None of the other goats are having any problems, including her doeling. She is still chewing her cud, has an appetite, and is acting normal; however, this has been going on since Tuesday and it is bad diarrhea, no form to it whatsoever. She has free-choice minerals and baking soda at night from 9 pm - 6 am.

Do you have any advice?

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  • Thanks for the update. I hope she gets over it fully!

  • Yes, by saying I didn't feed her, I meant she didn't get grain on the milkstand. They have hay, grass, leaves, etc. when not in the barn from 9-6. And I did give her hay in the stall Thursday night and last night. Today her stool is much firmer, though not completely back to normal. More like pellets clumped together. So, hopefully she's recovering from whatever she had.

  • When you say that you didn't feed her, I hope you mean that you didn't give her grain. You should always continue to have hay available because the goat's rumen should always be working. Otherwise, you have a whole new problem to deal with.

    Although it is unusual for an adult to have coccidiosis (disease caused by coccidia) because they usually deal with the coccidia in their gut just fine, it is possible. I'd probably give her Dimethox or Corid or one of the sulfa drugs, but if she isn't better within about 36 hours, I'd have a stool sample checked by the vet, as there are literally dozens of things that can cause diarrhea.

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