Wags Ranch HB Roadrunner Blues
DOB: 3/18/13
Sire: M.R. Sparrows Hearttrob Blues
SS: Sno Vally Sparrow
SD: Tupence Blu Blazes
Dam: Wags Ranch MB Choc-o-latte
DS: Laraynebo Acres Mojave Blue
DD: Camanna Tuxedo’s Millie
Roadrunner is a very sweet blue-eyed doe out of a buck that has done very well in the show ring. We debated long and hard about putting her up for sale, but finally decided we really needed to keep our herd small enough now to be able to keep kids next year. $250
For more pictures and extended pedigree info please visit us at http://www.wagsranch.com/for-sale.html