I have an 8 year old doe who was bread last month and then again when she short cycled 5 days later. If she did not settle she should be coming back into heat within the next couple of days.
When I went out tonight to grain and water them I found a circle of blood about 5-6 inches in diameter in the shavings. There was nothing in the blood. No clots or solid matter. On closer inspection at her behind I can see small traces of blood on her vulva but no dry blood on her legs or in her hair.
What would cause her to bleed? do you think she is miscarrying? and if she does come into heat again in the next couple of days should I rebreed her or wait until next month? Thanks
Vomiting is so rare among goats that many sources say it doesn't happen. Other sources say it only happens if a goat has been poisoned. I'd look over every goat from nose to tail to see if I could find any trace of blood anywhere on a goat. If it just happened, you'd have to be able to find some blood somewhere on the goat. Could this blood have come from a different animal, perhaps one that is injured?
She may have miscarried. Being deficient in copper and/or selenium is a common cause of fertility issues. If you rebreed her before getting that taken care of, it could end the same way again.
Here is a rather old discussion on copper:
See if she has any of the other symptoms of copper deficiency. Usually a faded coat or rough coat are some of the more obvious symptoms.
I also did not see any other blood in the stall or snow. so it doesn't look like she is dripping.