I am an absolute beginner. I will be getting my first pair of whethers this coming summer. I have a few questions that I would appreciate if you wonderful friends could answer them.
1) What do you feed your goats?
2) How much do you feed them?
3) What natural dewormer do you use? And how often?
4) What kind of bedding and shelter do you have?
Thanks so much! I have done some research, but can't find the most straight-forward answer.
Hi, I've had goats nearly for 18 months now. I'm in Nigeria so I won't answer 1 and 2 as its going to be too different! For 3) parasites, I also just treat as necessary - I've never treated for internal, just external once. And for 4, I have a small zinc shed about 2 m squared with a high window for airflow and light and a sloped roof for rain run-off/collection, its tall enough for me to stand in which is handy to go in and feed/milk in there etc. When I started milking, I added fences to separate off one corner if I wanted to isolate a goat for whatever reason (eg to introduce a newcomer slowly, to separate a kid for morning milking, if a goat was sick.) Its good to have somewhere to store equipment and feed nearby, I didn't think of this when I was building so I just hang ropes over the beams, keep feed under the awning of the house, and sacks of feed and straw in the garage. We cut our grass at the end of the summer and dry and store it to use as bedding. I sweep it out once a week or so, and put it in the compost or on the farm.
Read Deborahs book (Raising Goats Naturally) for lots of good beginner info too!!
From a beginner to another beginner:
I've found loads of general information by poring through the old posts in the forum. Every time I think I have to ask a question, I find the answer (or a good enough answer) in there.
Best wishes!
Hi, I'm pretty new too, had my goats just about 2 years. But here's what I do, seems to be working since my goats are quite healthy.
1)I feed a mixed orchard grass/fescue hay (that's what's mostly available where I live) free choice, free choice minerals and they get some browsing time just about every day. Since I have a wether and a non-lactating doe, they only get about 3 tbsps. of grain each evening when I "tuck them in".
2) Guess I kind of answered this one in #1. ;)
3)I don't use a dewormer unless a fecal shows a significant parasite load. If you worm them on a regular basis, they develop immunity to the deworming meds.
4)My goats have a 10x12 shelter that is usually open in the front unless it's bad weather. They bed down on straw or plastic pallets that I have as flooring, depending on their mood. I don't have stalls because they like to sleep cuddled up to each other.
Hope this helps. You will love having your ND's, they are wonderful creatures. Bet it won't be long before you want a doe, too!