Arriving on Wednesday....

Evening everyone!

Michael has finished building the house and will post pictures in the next few days. I have a load of those silly questions...

Our doe and wether arrive on Wednesday and I was wondering if for the first 24hours it is better to keep them in their barn before letting them out into their paddock?  

Also what is the best way to train them to electro net?  Have done it with pigs and horses not sure how is the best way with the goats.

When everyone feeds their goats do you give them a separate bowl each of grain or just one bowl and let them all dig in?

I am sure I am going to have a load more of these questions!






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  • If they're not super friendly, you should put them in a small area until they get to know you. Give them treats to bribe them, I mean, earn their trust.


    As for Electronet, just be there when you first let them out. Each will probably get shocked once, and they should stay away after that. But if they get freaked when when they get shocked, they can get tangled, so it's nice to have someone ready to unplug it so you can free the kid.

  • I think it's best to train them to eat out of separate bowls.  I read somewhere that the lady chained them to their spots to feed them and they would go there peacefully and just wait for their food.  We never did that.  We had them share.  And it's mob scene.  lol.  Plus, when you feed them all together, the pushier goats will get more than the timid ones.   I don't know about the other questions.  Although, I don't see why it would be a problem to let them in the paddock right away.
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