Acceptable time between vaccinating?

I vaxxed my girls around June 3rd, and from what I'm told, I needed to do it again in 28 days, only I missed that date. Is it too late to do the 2nd vax or would I need to start all over again? Is it fine for me to do it tomorrow? The vax I gave was for CD&T.

Thanks, and I wish everyone a great holiday weekend!

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  • Thank you, Deborah.

  • It's fine to do it now.

  • Thanks Judy for sharing all of that. We are pretty new to goats, so we are going with the CD&T for now. We've decided against the other vaccinations, however. We feel pretty good about our decision, but I'm thankful that others share their experiences because there is always something to learn. :)

  • Hi Kristi- I can't speak for others but I don't vaccinate. I don't like what vaccines can do to the immune system and prefer to have the tools ready to address most issues by maximizing immune system, feeding high quality food, paying attention to minerals and needs of goats plus my homeopathic vet and local conventional vet are in my cell phone for easy access. There are risks vaccinating and risks not vaccinating and for me- I feel I lessen risks by not vaccinating.

    I don't " buy" the need to do multiple vaccines either. . In dogs, one can do Titre tests to see if the vaccine "took". Reason they have multiple injections is to make sure it took- ie.- the body now recognizes the disease. Why double if it took. Others feel it is cheaper to do the vaccine than titre. I used to titre but when the man who makes the vaccines did studies that proved 1 distemper vaccine is good for 9-11 years- I stopped. One distemper vaccine! Essentially good for life. Or in his words- once the body recognizes the disease, it will never lose that memory cell data.

    A vaccine is like a handshake- it introduces the body to the disease so it can recognize it in the future. The is nothing about a vaccine that is " protective" as it is the immune system that does the job- with or without vaccinating. Since a vaccination has to turn OFF the immune system to make the introduction- I don't like that. Nor do I like the additives. A body can "meet" a disease naturally in the environment. My dog has never had a distemper or parvovirus vaccine but I titres him and he had protective levels of "antibodies" in his blood.

    In dogs, a lot of folks decide to take titres to see what the " level of protection" is for distemper or parvovirus. If the number comes back as "low" but the person needs a paper saying titre is adequate, savvy folks just take dog to a puppy class area, wait 2 weeks and retest as by then the body will have developed a titre level that is high or adequate due to exposure to all those puppies shedding the disease- since when you get your animal vaccinated- they " shed" the virus into the environment.

    SO- all this TMI to say- why repeat it? The body got the introduction of the first vaccine. Each time you vaccinate you run the risk of vaccine reaction.

    My choice is based upon having 2 dogs I essentially killed by vaccinating. Others vaccinate and never notice the chronic disease that it brings as many think it is normal. I'd take the risk of acute illness ( even death) over chronic debilitating disease any day. I apply this to all animals under my care now.

    To read more in vaccines- go to Or just call your vet and ask about the timing if you are more comfortable with doing vaccines. Of course they'll tell you to vaccinate more. The goat world is the most backward about vaccines group I've run into. But like all health- there are many opinions and experiences out there.

    BTW, In Massachusetts, they used to say if you missed the rabies vaccine needed every 3 years- even by 1 day, you had to do the two back to back vaccines again. Then someone said there was no science to back that up so we now have a law " once a three year, always a 3 year----- even if you forget for 12 years!
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