I am just a small home dairy(2 does) ,I do not have a herd name or webpage.My 1st ever goats freshened in Sept. The kids are now 7 and 8 weeks old and getting ready to go to new homes.They come from dairy lines and can be AGS registered.Contact me for more info.Thank you
I have attached picture of the does.There were only 3 spots to attach so did not add the wether.
If this helps, it's usually how people list pedigrees for goats. Just copy and fill in the names.
Goat Name:
Sires Sire:
Sires Dam:
Dam's Sire:
Dam's Dam:
You would fill in the full registered names.
For weaning, 2-3 months is usual. The dam often won't wean until 6-7 months, sometimes longer, but they are not really getting a lot by 3 months of age. It depends on the dam how long apart they have to be for her to not let them nurse if she is not dry when you put them back in. Some will let them nurse after they have their next set of kids. I hope they sell fast for you!
Thank-you .I know what you mean about listing the pedigrees.I do know them but could not figure how to put it in a coherent way in the post.Let alone by the pictures.So my hope had been when I was contacted I could email them or something.
My biggest panic now is I only have one pen and so if these kids don't sell for awhile I need to find somewhere to keep them so I can start milking twice a day for me.I think that is my piece of advice for anyone getting into raising goats (or maybe any animals),plan to have 2 pens.and it separate locations if possible.
And off subject here but any advice for when I do wean ,how long till mothers and kids can be put back together?
OK, someone out there buy my kids.
You have some nice looking kids :-) I hope they sell well for you :-) If you have the parent pedigree's it might help to list them out. Some buy based a lot on that info.