Here is an excellent resource for determining body condition in your goats. It is so challenging to describe how to determine body condition, and this PDF includes drawings and pictures with the explanations, so that you should be able to more easily figure out if your goats are over-weight, under-weight, or just right!
Thanks, Janie! I've edited the original post so that it has the new URL.
Janie Hynson said:
Hi Phebe,
This link should work:
Phebe said:
This is super, thanks for posting! I've been wondering about a couple of my girls being chunky monkeys and now I'll be able to check for sure. They are little piggies when it comes to being on pasture, hay, just everything, LOL.
My goats will lobe the massages while I check them. My guess is 3 to 3.5.
I use this!!!