Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Tayla's discussion Kid favoring a leg?
"I can't see anything green between the hooves in the photo. You might need to pull apart the toes and get a photo for us to see it. I'm wondering if the dark parts are going to fall off. It looks like there is already some separationg at the top of…"
Mar 2
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Tayla's discussion Kid favoring a leg?
"To me, the first photo looks very purple. The second one looks pink. Maybe the photos are not accurate? 
I don't know how a body part could have swelling if there is no blood flow, but that's really not important. I know you feel helpless and want…"
Feb 23
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Tayla's discussion Kid favoring a leg?
"Ears falling off from frostbite is kind of like a scrotum falling off after banding. It's dead, so unless it gets dirt in there, it's probably not going to get infected. In fact, ears seem far less likely than a scrotum to get infected because they…"
Feb 23
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Patricia Pill's discussion Goat in milk for over a year and has never been pregnant
"I'm wondering if there is a typo in your post. A full udder would produce 1.5 quarts a day -- not every 2 weeks. Are you milking her every two weeks? I don't understand how her udder could be dragging on the ground. Could you post photos?
May 24, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle commented on Kasey Lennon’s status
"Welcome Kasey! When you post your question in the forum, please let us know which Cydectin you used and how much, what is the goat's weight, and how much goat feed are you giving her, and what brand of goat feed. Thanks! 
May 16, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Negan Wright's discussion Geeze Lady get out of my udder! Pregnancy 360
"Goats come into heat every 21 days +/- a couple of days, so if she was in heat every 15 days, she was short cycling, which means she would have been unlikely to get pregnant, and if she did, some of those heats you saw were false heats, meaning she…"
Apr 22, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Rebecca Pitts's discussion When to supplement dam fed kids/ Kids grinding teeth
"Sounds like they are up to date on the copper and you shouldn't need to give more for a few months. "
Mar 14, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Rebecca Pitts's discussion When to supplement dam fed kids/ Kids grinding teeth
"This is totally normal, and it's why people usually buy second or third-cut alfalfa. The stems in the first cutting are bigger and less palatable. Your hay is a beautiful green, but it does look like the stems are pretty big. A common complaint…"
Mar 14, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Rebecca Pitts's discussion When to supplement dam fed kids/ Kids grinding teeth
"When was the last time you gave them copper oxide?"
Mar 13, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Rebecca Pitts's discussion When to supplement dam fed kids/ Kids grinding teeth
"Purina is a good mineral so you shouldn't have any problems if you're using it. It also has a very high level of copper. I'd suggest only putting out a cup at a time -- or whatever they can finish in a few days. You don't want it to get wet because…"
Mar 12, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Rebecca Pitts's discussion When to supplement dam fed kids/ Kids grinding teeth
Mar 11, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Rebecca Pitts's discussion When to supplement dam fed kids/ Kids grinding teeth
"Does in milk can eat as much alfalfa as they want, whether it is hay or pellets, although long-stem hay is better because it keeps the rumen working properly as the goats have to chew a lot to eat hay. If your goats are choking on the pellets, it's…"
Mar 11, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Rebecca Pitts's discussion When to supplement dam fed kids/ Kids grinding teeth
"It is more complicated if you're supplementing rather than completely bottle feeding. It is also harder to get kids to take the bottle if mom is an available option for them. There are some kids that I call "happy to be starving" because I had a…"
Mar 11, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Rebecca Pitts's discussion castrate/ breed or not
"Males can be castrated at any age, although your only option for doing it yourself would be to use a Burdizzo or Side Crusher or other emasculator that crushes the cord that goes to the testicles. Otherwise you'd have to have a vet do it surgically,…"
Mar 11, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Rebecca Pitts's discussion When to supplement dam fed kids/ Kids grinding teeth
"They should be gaining an average of 4 ounces per day or 0.25 pounds per day, so most of them are just under that. If your scale only goes out one digit, then you should be seeing 0.3 about every other day to make up for all of the 0.2 you are…"
Mar 11, 2024
Deborah Niemann-Boehle replied to Rebecca Pitts's discussion castrate/ breed or not
"Most male goats should be castrated because we don't need that many bucks. One buck can breed dozens of does, so most wind up as pet wethers, brush eaters, or meat. It is easier to sell pet wethers because more people want pets rather than bucks. …"
Mar 11, 2024

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  • thank you! I appreciate the add. I'm a new goat owner and seeking guidance.

  • Deborah,

    My goats are not coming into heat,  neither yearlings. Anything I can do to start a heat? Their mother has just had a short heat last month

  • Another concern is that the mom has developed bumps,  like hives,  on the right side of her udder. She still milks nicely and is eating well.  I walk them in the snow and wonder if this could be an irritant,  but why on half of the udder? The twins are separated from her at night and then i milk the next morning and the kids are with her during the day.  Any ideas here?  We're pretty much without a goat vet here in Fairbanks,  AK.         Thanks,  Barb Rondine

  • Deborah,

    Remember the quints born this summer ? I kept the two doelings and they are 6 months old now. For the past two weeks, or so, one of them has started mounting and vocalizing and nipping at the others and pesters them almost all the time.  She developed a beard and shaggy eyebrows by four months and is very dominant.

    1. Her mother is polled, as is she, and her father is horned. Any ideas to stop this behavior?  Thanks,  Barb Rondine
  • Deborah,
    I've got problems with my kid and mom but can't figure out how to get to the forum page and you. Thanks for the info,
    Barbara Rondine
  • Hello, Am Akinwale from Nigeria, we are planning on organizing an enlightenment program and training seminar on the first ever dairy goat farming in Nigeria. I wish to request for your partnership in terms of technical support since one of our choice animal is the Nigeria Dwarf Goat. We are expecting more than 200 prospective farmers to participate in the program. Hoping to hear from you soonest.
  • Figure I'd give you an update on my doe. I've been using Solgar Chelated Zinc Tablets for almost 2 weeks and it seems to have made very fast difference in her hair and skin. Crust is gone! I've been dosing one 22mg tablet a day in milk stand feed. Though I was doing Eprinex pour-on before, that only seemed to work so much. I feel Zinc deficiency can be precursor to allow a mite attack and/or mimic it in ways. A lady I purchased a buck from had a doe with same condition for two winters we both had in our doe. She started using Zinpro Pro Care and saw great improvement.
    This should be a help for future goat people looking for help and answers!
  • Thanks Deborah for the fast response! I concur with your thoughts on it being mites. I've picked up the Eprinex pour-on today and was planning on doing it tomorrow. Wondering what exactly you did to your girl. I was was going to do around 3ml down her back. How fast did you see results?

    Few notes have your girls experience this before or recur in the same doe? Did her milk also cut back from symptoms of mites?
  • Hi Deborah, I'm the new member going to see my vet today. I seem to have two accounts on The Goat Spot. I signed up in October 2015 but when I revisited the site a few days ago I was informed that I didn't have an account and needed to sign up (again). How do I delete the first account I set up in October??


  • Thanks Deborah!

    I just found out yesterday that Nigerian Dwarf's made it to our shores, which I'm really excited about, so I'm here to learn everything I can before I get started.
     Thank you for making this place, its awesome.

    Happy new year :)


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