"Me and mom did, and it was great. Thanks again. I'll have to email you regarding your last newsletter.
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten to try bottle feeding again today. Hopefully in a little bit."
"Hi Rebecca
You may still want to consider bottles for the kids that are really struggling to keep up with weight gain. Clumpy poop is likely a combination of the increased water intake along with the changes in diet. I would consider adding in a…"
" I wanted to give an update on these mom's and babies...its been a while! It seems like any time I have goat realated issues and get advice, we have some kind of family event/ emergency and the past couple weeks have been no exception.
"This is totally normal, and it's why people usually buy second or third-cut alfalfa. The stems in the first cutting are bigger and less palatable. Your hay is a beautiful green, but it does look like the stems are pretty big. A common complaint…"
"I have started feeding all alfalfa hay to the lactating does, and am starting to increase the amount of feed pellets, but didn't want to do that too fast. I think the change in diet might already be helping the moms. I hate to say it, but I guess…"
"The does definitely eat the loose minerals when they are fresh, and the bucklings are going crazy for them right now. The bucks and the wethers, however, seem to rarely touch them. My black goats had started getting "rusty" on their legs, my brown…"
"Purina is a good mineral so you shouldn't have any problems if you're using it. It also has a very high level of copper. I'd suggest only putting out a cup at a time -- or whatever they can finish in a few days. You don't want it to get wet because…"
"Sorry, forgot to add that I use Purina loose goat minerals. Its really humid here often, and we just recently finished the barn enough to get the moms in there, so it can be a real challenge to keep minerals out for them before they get rain…"
"Thanks! That really gives me a great starting point for the does with the alfalfa and feed. I had been giving oats hoping to help increase milk production. It seemed to help me with my children...but, I'm not a goat and I hadn't considered it…"
"Does in milk can eat as much alfalfa as they want, whether it is hay or pellets, although long-stem hay is better because it keeps the rumen working properly as the goats have to chew a lot to eat hay. If your goats are choking on the pellets, it's…"