New to Nigis in Southern California!

Hi all! How exciting to find this web site! Here in Ventura County, north of Los Angeles, I am not meeting alot of people who know about, or are interested in Nigerians...yet! I am hoping to introduce them to our 4H club with my daughter, and we hope to have some represented at our local Ventura County Fair next summer. We would like to participate in the dairy goat division, so we are learning as much as we can about dairy. We are currently milking one goat and get about 1.2 quarts a day= a little over 2lbs!!! We have learned to pasteurize, have made ice cream, and want to try cheese and soap! Our family has fallen in love with these intelligent and productive little goats, and we hope to share what we have learned with the 4H families. Any advice, suggestions or guidance as to creating and running our dairy goat 4H project would be appreciated. We have already been told at this past fair that "Nigerians aren't REAL dairy goats-they are only good as pets!" by a long-time dairy goat expert, so I can see I have an uphill battle! Oh well, wish my daughter and me luck!!!


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  • Welcome to the group!! Hope you learn lots from this wonderful group on Nigerian lovers :0)
  • Thank you! How exciting-a book! I look forward to seeing it... sounds like exactly what I need!!!
  • Welcome to the group! I understand your situation completely. You'll have to win over the doubters with some goats cheese and ice cream and other yummy foods! (My book, Homegrown & Handmade, comes out in a couple weeks, and it includes directions and recipes for making cheese and soap.) I've had NDs for nine years and absolutely love them. They are my favorite animals on our farm.
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