Today, I went on a Comfrey quest in my routine travels; empty handed I returned. So, I went to Coe's website and order two Comfrey plants. One of these will be planted in the goat area, protected of course, and will be the first plant of their official herb garden.
What else besides Comfrey should go there?
Be sure, Margaret, that you understand that I know only what I have read here and on Coe's website (and a couple of others). But given that the hens and the goats will benefit from it (and me too), I ordered it. For where I am planting, invasive is not an issue but you *can* plant in pots. I do that with my chocolate peppermint, it is in one of those large planter tubs set on top of 2/3 of a barrel so there is no way it will spread anywhere. If you cut off the comfrey blossoms, it seems as if it could not spread out of a pot. I plan to plant the oldest plant in the goat area and likely the crowns as well but am seriously considering planting the younger plant in a tub so I can move it inside and have leaves all winter. I really like the idea of having it winter over. However, I have a covered patio I can roll it onto or into the garage. When it is larger, I may put a 2x4 wire over it so as it grows out of it, the goats can snack on it like in their pen but for winter munchies.
Truly, I want to find out what other herbs I can plant that will be beneficial to them. I heard lemon balm is but I have it all over and they are not at all interested in it; that that is growing in their alternate pen is just growing bigger. <g> Now raspberries would not have a chance! I'll be cutting this year's canes that bore fruit to keep for winter snacks. I'm considering planting a grape vine out there with a barrel around it so they cannot eat the trunk. In a couple of years it would be big enough to start climbing up the fence; what is low they can have and the rest will give me grapes though it will be a few years before I get grapes.<g> They cannot get enough grape leaves or raspberry leaves to suit their taste.
Thanks for the links girls, I know nothing about this except what I have read here in the last few days, so I am going to just trust ya'll and order some cause I don't have time to study it and I know you know what you are talking about. I am trying to figure out where I can plant it though. Seems Glenna has a perfect spot, I am going to have to put some serious thought into this one, cause it sounds very invasive.
Could not find any locally so ordered from:
Oh that's neat. I think where you will be planting them is a good idea, to help keep the spreading down. We where hoping to get our herb garden moved this year, but with so many irons in the fire, it may have to wait. May I ask where you ordered your comfrey? Sounds like an interesting place. My neighbor just down the road from me gave me some comfey roots years grows like a big bad weed, but has pretty purpleish flowers. It is also called Knitbone in the herbal world.
Glenna Rose said:
Very good information, Debbie. :-) Thank you.
My comfrey came today!!! I ordered a 2-year-old plant and a 3-4-year-old plant. She also sweetly sent me half a dozen crowns/roots. as well as a DVD.
You can cut off Comfrey nearly to the ground a few times during the summer and it will come back. Those cut leaves are also good to add nitrogren to the soil.
Comfrey, dried is also a great wound healer. Cut the leaves right before it blooms and rubberband the stems together, about 8 to 12 young, clean, uneaten by bugs, leaves into a bundle and hang in a dry, warm airy place. I like to hang mine in paper lunch bags and using a hole punch, punch several air holes in the bag and hang them in the garage. The bags keep the dust off of the comfrey as it dries. Comfrey will close up wounds, and will do it quickly, but do not and I repeat do not put in deep puncture wounds that have any chance of infection in them, because comfrey has been know to close up a wound quick enough on top but if there is infection in the wound, it will fester and stay inside. On a clean wound with no infection the comfrey will close up the wound nicely and speed the healing process.
We had a neighbor who owned a quarter horse mare that caught and tore her shoulder on a gate, the gash was almost in a cross like in shape about a good 8 inches long. Our neighbor being a herbalist, kept the would clean and washed it out daily. Once he was sure there was no infection he crumbled up dried Comfrey leaves and packed it into the wound. It closed right up and though the hair did grow back and was a bit thin at the wound site, it was not a horrible scar. How do I know this is possible? I watched him take care of her and I bought the mare from him sometime later and she never favored that shoulder at all when you would ride her. Amazing herb indeed :)
It will be planted between the concrete rail for the chain link fence and the concrete flower bed rail (where Capri is standing). There is about ten feet between the rail and the garage (which the pallets are against) and the asphalt alley on the other side of the fence. This side of that area has the concrete driveway along the rest of the way. Because it is surround by concrete, it is about as "safe" a place there can be to plant an invasive plant. If it goes well, I'll plant some on the other side of the yard between the fence and sidewalk. I have 135 feet to fill. Now I have about 15 feet of sage and 15 feet of fennel in another part. I'm still looking for other invasive things to put there that would be beneficial to the humans and the birds.
Comfrey is a wonderful plant but remember it spreads easily and quickly. We have a patch and removed quite a bit...threw is over a hill we have behind the barn. Now there is a hillfull of plants! My husband cuts the stalks throught the summer and feed them to our small herd. They, of course, love them!