Pearl and Hester

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Scarlet, a Nigerian dwarf goat, gave birth to twin doelings two weeks early. The kids were not strong enough to stand or nurse, and their mother was lacking ...

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  • interesting.
  • I name all the goats that will be registered. That way if I see a goat on a show win list or milk test list in future years, I will automatically know who the parents were. Also, if someone calls me for a buck or another doe, I can ask the names of the goats they've already bought from me, and I usually know which goats they're related to without having to pull out my 3-inch goat notebook. I think most serious breeders name their goats using some kind of theme. Some people use the tattoo letter to name all the goats born that year, so this year you'll probably see a lot of B names. It was pretty funny a couple years ago when the tattoo letter was X. People were getting really creative.


    I've bought a couple of goats that had such interesting names I couldn't bring myself to call the goats by their registered names -- like Hot Rod and Thrill. Now I think Hot Rod is kind of cute, but at the time I thought it was really weird, so we just called him Bucky. He was our first buck ever. Thrill was one of those goats that came from a farm where they named them based on the tattoo letter and the sire. Her sire was Musician, so her whole name was Musical Thrill. We called her Muse.

  • Deborah, do you name all the goats, even the ones you sell?
  • Since you said that Deborah, I will probably name all mine with Southern names.  lol.  When I told someone about my goats and told her the names, she cracked up when I told her "RebeKah" with a K (Hebrew spelling - which I love ... ^^).  She laughed and said "so, she's Jewish!"  LOL.

  • That is a nice system... using that system I could probably name Indiana's kids after cities there since  I think the farm she came from used states for many of theirs.  I don't know what I could do with Isabel. I haven't thought of a system yet.

  • I am able to keep track of all my goats because I have a naming system. Scarlet Letter was the daughter of Scandal, whose kids are all named after something scandalous. Pearl and Hester are obvious, eh? I kept Pearl and will name her kids after gemstones.
  • Scarlet, Pearl, and Hester...Someone like The Scarlet Letter? It was one of the better books they made us read in school. :) Only two others made my good list for all my years in school and so far through college. Only one was OK and the rest were awful.
  • awesome
  • Yep, that's Joy, my little rescue bichon. She was always terrified of the farm animals around here until we had Pearl and Hester. The she had an identity crisis and thought she was their mama.
  • Soooooo cute!!! Love it!
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