Thia's first breeding

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THIA IS A MAMA NOW!!!! Watch her give birth! recently bred my 10 month old doeling Thia. I knew she was in heat when I put her with the buck, but she didn't seem to act like it at first.Thia has always been very kiddish, so when it came time to breed her I was very curious as to how she would react.In the video you can see how she turns form being afraid of the buck to liking him and accepting him. The actual "Deed" doesn't happen until 11:00.I tried to make the video as short as I could, I'm sorry if it too long.

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  • Update!! Thia is now Very pregnant!! Both these pictures were taken today at 18 weeks and 2 days Pregnant. I'm thinking triplets. Girls Please!!



  • Ok, I sent in a blood sample to Biotracking to test if she is pregnant. The test came back positive! She's Pregnant! She is due June 22nd.

  • Yeah,  After he mounted Thia for the second time, Bundar, My friend's buck, peed all over his beard and rub it on Thia's back. She stunk for the next week and a half, though not as strongly as a buck.

  • They do stink!! I'm not sure *I* even like the smell... lol 

  • I only just now realized you couldn't "LIKE" comments lol. But yes a like button would be a great addition to this site.

    I wish I could have a buck, but I don't think my neighbors would like the new smell wafting through the neighborhood. 

  • PS... this is why I ended up getting my own bucks!! I was no good at figuring out when the girls were in heat. Still not. The line up at the fence is my only sure thing. lol 

  • LIKE!! lol (I seriously wish Ning had a like button) 

  • Well I don't own a buck, the buck in the video is my friend's, but I do have a buck rag that I use to to see when the girls are in heat. I find that when even I come out with something in my hand they must check to make sure it's not food. so even the inedible buck rag is worth a nibble even when they're not in heat.

    I'm thinking about testing Thia when she 30 days post breeding, to satisfy our curiosity. 

  • OK, just checking, because a lot of people consider "settling" to simply be another term for "the pregnancy took" 

    I personally haven't noticed any of my does acting "calmer" once they were bred, but I do notice (so far) that those that have had a successful breeding that took haven't been interested in the buck once they were bred. As in, they don't go back and stand by the shared fence line pining for their boys. lol 

  • My other doe got much calmer and spent a lot of time sitting down looking content just days after she came back from the buck. My friend told me that is a good sign that she is pregnant. When I look it up it was called "settling".

    So, what I mean by "she hasn't settled" is she has changed since she was with the buck. I know no two pregnancies are the same. so this could just be how she is.

    How do does usually act their first time with a buck?

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