"He should be drinking 20% of his body weight in milk daily. At 420ml, he is right on track with the amount. Do keep adjusting as he gains weight up to a max of about 32oz a day. Hopefully he will start gaining more weight with the alfalfa and grain.…"
"Thank you for the congratulations!!
I replied but somehow I deleted my entire response so I'll start again.
My little guy is drinking 390-420ml a day of whole milk with each feeding being 60-90ml. He has been gaining 1oz a day.
I'm feeling we are…"
"Hi Wanda!
Congratulations on doing such a great job with this little guy!
I think the answer to your questions will come down to making sure that he has the appropriate nutrition. I had a 15oz doeling born several years ago and she has stayed small,…"
My buckling was born as one of a set of triplets to one of my daughters does. His two siblings were of normal birth size but my little guy was a tiny one. We were shocked he survived but his mama wasn't interested and he was far too small to feed…
Here's an article on tips for keeping a buck healthy -- https://thriftyhomesteader.com/7-tips-for-keeping-bucks-healthy/