Tammy Gallagher replied to Wanda Ritter's discussion Buckling born a triplet and weighed 14oz at birth
Jul 5, 2023
Tammy Gallagher replied to Wanda Ritter's discussion Buckling born a triplet and weighed 14oz at birth
"He should be drinking 20% of his body weight in milk daily. At 420ml, he is right on track with the amount. Do keep adjusting as he gains weight up to a max of about 32oz a day. Hopefully he will start gaining more weight with the alfalfa and grain.…"
Jul 5, 2023
Wanda Ritter replied to Wanda Ritter's discussion Buckling born a triplet and weighed 14oz at birth
"Thank you for the congratulations!!
I replied but somehow I deleted my entire response so I'll start again.
My little guy is drinking 390-420ml a day of whole milk with each feeding being 60-90ml. He has been gaining 1oz a day. 
I'm feeling we are…"
Jul 5, 2023
Tammy Gallagher replied to Wanda Ritter's discussion Buckling born a triplet and weighed 14oz at birth
"Hi Wanda!
Congratulations on doing such a great job with this little guy!
I think the answer to your questions will come down to making sure that he has the appropriate nutrition. I had a 15oz doeling born several years ago and she has stayed small,…"
Jul 5, 2023
Wanda Ritter posted a discussion
My buckling was born as one of a set of triplets to one of my daughters does. His two siblings were of normal birth size but my little guy was a tiny one. We were shocked he survived but his mama wasn't interested and he was far too small to feed…
Jul 5, 2023
Wanda Ritter is now a member of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
Jul 4, 2023

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    Here's an article on tips for keeping a buck healthy -- https://thriftyhomesteader.com/7-tips-for-keeping-bucks-healthy/
    7 Tips for Keeping Bucks Healthy
    When you raise goats, it's easy to forget that bucks have needs too...you will have more productive bucks if you make sure they have everything they…
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