Why was the kid born dead?

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Most people think that when a normal-looking kid is born dead, it means they should have done something to prevent it, but that's simply not true. There are many reasons why a kid can be born dead.

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For more information, check out ...

Goat Birthing: A Beginner’s Guide: https://thriftyhomesteader.com/goat-birthing-beginners-guide/

Goat Birthing: How Much Should You Help?: https://thriftyhomesteader.com/goat-birthing-how-much-should-you-help/

Goat Birthing: The Problem with Online Advice: https://thriftyhomesteader.com/goat-birthing-problem-with-online-advice/

Miscarriages in Goats Caused by Infections: https://thriftyhomesteader.com/miscarriages-in-goats/

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