Posted by Mary Colman on October 5, 2009 at 8:19am
Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone has had this procedure done to their buck and could get feedback on the healing process.My young buck had bad scurs and was causing harm to my other buck. With breeding plans for the end of the month/early Nov.~ I was fearful for putting my does in with him.So I had him dehorned by my vet, the horns were cut off and he burned the remaining growth. What a horrible thing it looks like. The holes in the top of his head are deep and the sinus cavity is exposed. The blood has stopped but the cavities are full of fluid and of course bits of hay, etc. I have tried to keep it clean. He is in a large stall with everything he needs right now, because of the rain I have him closed in for the day.I was wondering does anyone know how long does it take to heal? Its hard to believe that bone can grow back on his scull to close that area up. The poor boy. He had banamine for pain for the procedure day and 2 days after. He is hardly eating, he hasn't touched his food or water (that I know of) but he is nibbling on his hay a little bit.He did get strong antibiotics and the area does not look infected. So that is good.Mary Colman
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