DAY 1: We went to pick up the goats in the evening. We couldn't find anyone with a dog crate, and the only kind we have is made of nylon. So we just covered the back seat in towels. It took us a while to catch them, but once we did it was a quick transaction, and I did not get kicked by that stupid horse again. Which is good...It took them a few minutes to settle down once we got in the car. I sat in the back with them and petted them while David drove. When we arrived home I took some pictures and got their temporary sleeping arraignments set up while they ate some of the weeds in the yard.
Day 2: It was a relatively uneventful day, the boys spent time exploring the small yard eating trees and bushes through the fence, I think they tried some of the tree limbs that David cut down a few days ago, and had a good time jumping off the porch. The number two goat is friendly, while the number 1 goat is shy and would rather avoid us. I don't really know what to do to convince him we are nice, I have tried offering them a taste of peanut butter, or banana pieces, but neither one will take them. They eat the grain, but I have not seen them eat much of the hay.
Day 3: David had been outside to do some of the animal chores before I got up at 6:30. When I went out I could not find the goats and they didn't answer when I call, which they sometimes do, and then I came back inside, and happened to be in just the right place to look through the window of the house AND the window of the porch to see something white in the chicken tractor. I have no white chickens so it had to be a goat. We had a good laugh, took a picture of it, and then got them out. then David opened the top door so the chickens could jump in and out, and I went to work. When I came home there were two goats lounging in the tractor near the chicken feeder... great... Long story I already told on the forum...I have a goat with an injured leg and a missing horn thingy... They are going to the vet next Wednesday in have their horns re-burned or removed. I learned today that goat number two's favorite thing to do is climb on a crate and jump out the window of the porch and go back around and do it again. I have had trouble catching him in the act to get a picture.
Day 4: Goat number 1 is limping but the vet said as long as he is holding it up it should be ok. My porch smells like stinky goats, but I don't care, I like having them there for observation. I must check on them every two hours or so. They are not screaming so much any more unless I call to them, The neighbor told me she thought it was the human kids down the street! They really like the food. but number 2 is always trying to steel number 1's food. When David finishes the milking stand we won't have that problem anymore. I am feeding them on the porch where we plan to put the milking stand... so it will be less of a transition.
Day 5: Today goat number 1 who I have decided to call Sam let me pet him! YAY!!! Goat number 2, Stanley is always ready to be petted, today while I was out there, me and Stan were chillin' on the outer porch watching the dogs play, when Sam lays down behind him, so I started petting Stan in long strokes down his back, and sort of petting the air near Sam's nose. He sniffed it a few times, and I was eventually able to reach out and pet him on the shoulder. I would pet him a few strokes and withdraw, and then start again a few minutes later... He did not appear to like it, but either he gave up or got lazy and just tolerated the boss's attention.
Day 6: Wooden shipping pallets piled in an unruly mess make a pretty good toy. When we went to get them I had trouble keeping Stan in the yard, he wanted to go with me, but found the effort futile after I carried him back to the porch. I am planning to store some hay on these and starting a little building project, I will probably get some more and put them out for playing on later. Stan gets mad when he can't jump off the porch because the create got moved. He even climbed my back while I examined Sam's leg today. All behavioral issues aside, it was pretty funny... I'm glad he likes me. Sam will follow his brother anywhere, but still doesn't want much of anything to do with us. I found a closer vet by half the distance and canceled the other appointment. They will still be seen Wednesday. I really hope Sam starts to put more pressure on his leg before then.
Day 7: I did not catch anyone doing anything fun today. We went out to lunch and when we got back Stanley came to greet me as I was getting out of the car, When I was getting out of the car I accidentally dropped my drink, and in spilled all over Stanley and the ground. Thankfully he did not hold it against me and was almost immediately back for more petting Sam tagged along, a safe distance away. I noticed that he is using his leg more... which is good. I think that it may still take him a while to recover, but I don't think it will need any drastic measures. So I think all we will worry about at the vet is the horns. Thank goodness. I found an even closer vet, but his fee's are ridiculous...$75 per goat just for disbudding... Now he charges $30 for a farm visit, which I might need when I have more goats... so I will keep him in mind, but I think I will need a 3erd job to afford him.