I don't know how to express to you how little David likes to spend. If there is a cheap solution we have to find it...There has to be some medical condition that forces this level of thriftiness...
I was getting ready to give up and order the little mineral buckets this morning, when I saw a litterbox...that we used to use as a nesting box for the chickens. They only ever used the one box anyway, and now that I only have two hens, we just took the other one out. SO I take it inside and pored Kettle water on it, and then washed it with anti-bacterial soap followed by another douse with kettle water, and a cold rinse....Dried it off and added minerals. Then I was contemplating where to put my new mineral feeder when I remembered Stanley's milk crate which he used to use to jump out the window on the porch. Turned it right side up and set the litter pan snugly inside and TATDA!!! instant, FREE, mineral feeder of the perfect hight. It won't be a permanent solution, since they will get bigger. But for the moment, I am feeling pretty darn good about myself. :)
EDIT: I forgot to mention that all of that happened after staying up late to write a 7 page paper, and before I had coffee, which makes it that much more amazing!