First Deep Snow

We have had snow here on and off for quite a while but it hadn't hung around nor was it very deep. The goats didn't seem to go out too far in it and hung in the doorway a lot.
Well! The big snow came all day Monday about 1 to 2 inches an hour and I kept them inside with the door closed because the wind was brutal and swirling snow in every direction. I didn't want snow in to pens. Tuesday when I opened the door they all rushed out and stayed outside most of the day. The snow was 16.4 inches deep! They scampered about belly deep and didn't care at all.
I am glad since it looks like the snow will continue to come.
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  • Wow!!!!!!!Those are beautiful pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where do you live?

  • Wow! How cool! We had about eight inches of snow here last week. Most of the goats don't think twice about going out, but the junior does haven't taken one step outside their little door. This is the first year I've had them separated from the senior does, so it's an interesting observation. Even though they're all nearing a year, I guess they need their mommies to show them the snow won't hurt them.
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