I wrote last June 30 about my goat Zoe who was bought bred but really wasn't. I put her in several times after that with the buck and she kept coming back into heat. Well, when I bought a new buck on Oct 21st I put her with him to keep him company. I checked on her udder occasionally but figured she was going to get pregnant again. Today I noticed she had an udder! Now I have NO idea when she will kid. Go figure.
This buck is good. He's the father of the quints I lost and the triplets we just had. I have another due in the next couple of days. Could she be due that soon?
Very interesting. I have a doe who I also bought bred and I'm not sure if she is or not??? I keep checking her udder too, but so far, there isn't one. When I get my buck, I will see how she responds to him.
From what I understand, a doe can have an udder several weeks ahead or not until the last few hours before kidding... but it does indicate that she is pregnant, so that's a good sign!