



Edgerton, KS


May 21

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  • Love your website - that opening page is great!
  • What wonderful stories -- glad your goat survived the trip next to snakes! We had a discussion in the forum a couple weeks ago. You can find it here. Also, if you click on "forum" at the top of the page, you'll find quite a few topics organized for easier discussion.

    Someone recently told me she lost several sheep to panacur. I've never used that on my goats and certainly won't now. I'm trying to find more natural alternatives since our goats are our dairy supply.

    Can't blame you for not being a fan of winter kidding. It's not fun.
  • Hello goat family - allow me to introduce myself. I'm a self-employed goat momma, who just happens to get to drive the real kid taxi, and loves being 'at home on the farm'. My husband owns a website design company, but my site is usually last to be updated - such is life i guess. I've had a goat in my life since i was 12 (roughly 30 years ago) and have always found them to be loyal companions. I have a retirement herd that was rescued from a friend who was killed in a car train accident, they are all kinds of goats and I provide them a home that i know she would appreciate. I started 'gathering' my nigerian herd four years ago when the kids were all going off to school and i was trying to decide what i wanted to do with the next chapter of my life. I've had several arrive on the plane (before the cost went way up), nothing like picking up your new goats who have traveled next to a body being picked up by the hearse waiting in the parking lot, and a box labeled poisonous snakes!!!!! I find my goats to be contagious and I breed for May and June so that I'm not traveling to and from the barn in the snow! Not for everyone, but works for me. I milk a few does, make soap and for the first time this year made homemade mozzarella - it was really easy, and i loved it! Enough about me, want to know anything else just ask! So i lost a buck a couple weeks ago, my first tragic loss that came as a horrible shock. So let me throw this at all of you, has anyone else had weird things happen this year with our horribly wet weather? And what is everyone using to worm with right now? I lost a baby from a reaction to a wormer she got at the vet so my rule is nothing but safeguard for the babies until they are 3 months old, and then I switch it up, depending on what i have on hand. What do you all do?
  • Welcome to the group, Julie! Hope you'll take a moment to introduce yourself in the forum and post a few photos. Love the profile pic!
  • Welcome! Love the profile pic!
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