yahoo! I got a job

After 2.5 months of being unemployed, draining savings to move and pay for the new house I finally got a job! It is part time for the moment, and doesn't pay much, but it is positive cash flow. I am still babysitting almost every weekend, and looking for a second job to fill in the gaps. Despite everything I am just SO glad I didn't have to go to New Orleans to find work. I am still working to convince David we can get goats. But a lot of times in order to get something I want I just have to get it...and he will have to adjust. I think the only thing he has ever agreed to was the first dog... the second dog and the cat took weeks and weeks, and he didn't want Lola at all, and now he can hardly imagine not having her following him all around, tail wagging happily! I think he may just do that to see if I really want it bad enough, and how hard I am willing to work for it. you know, he doesn't want to spoil me or anything.I have decided to use the pallet wood to make a small deck since the one that came with the house is total crap. I like the idea of the two piece insulated dogloo for a couple of reasons.1. It's got snaps around the bottom so I can take it apart to clean the bedding or hose down the whole thing if I need to...couldn't do that with a wooden goat house...2. It has the adjustable vent thing at the top plus a nice doorway, which would be better for the hot summers here.3. I could turn it any direction, and move it from yard to yard as needed, not to mention it would be easily disassembled, stacked and stuffed into the van/truck in the event of an evac. and set up in some nice person's yard... ie my grandmother's or David's anunt when we get to our evac point. The wooden house would probably be entirely gone from the winds...Lowe's has a particularly good price on the extra large ones... supposedly they fit German Shepperd sized dogs...I am thinking that I should get two of them one for each goat... They might be able to snuggle up into one on a rare but particularly cold night.getting stuff a little at a time!
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  • Congratulations on the job!

    The Igloo sounds good, and I like the idea of having two. If they like each other, they'll snuggle up together, but if they don't, you won't have to worry about one being stuck in the rain if the other one is being too dominant.
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