Where can I find out what codes like *D and TX mean?

I keep googling this to no avail. and frustrated. I want to know what all these little acronyms and symbols mean next to all the registered goats names I'm looking at. Is there a page on adga or ags or anywhere that deciphers what these all stand for??


1*M ... CH..*D...TX...what does it mean??

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  • Samana

    I just noticed your post is from 2011!

    The results of your research are very helpful, thank you!

  • Samana

    I am right there with you, we need a goat dictionary to figure out these pedigrees. The problem is, it changes with the registry. I am also trying to figure out the naming protocol. It is tricky for sure! Just keep on learning goat talk one day at a time.

  • LMAO! I LOVE IT! I think you mean we are so smart our brains just can't hold anymore! Wish I could just add some new disk for storage space! Heck, while I'm at it  I want to buy an organizational program that can be downloaded into my brain. Wouldn't it be nice? HEHE!

  • Oh, Margaret.  It's not about remembering, it's about learning too much.  We reach an age where there is just so much information stored in our brains that something has to move out for new stuff we are learning.  Unlike our computer drives, we cannot get a new one and we don't always have control over what is deleted.  But then, even with computers, we sometimes delete things we didn't mean to.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  • I am so excited about finding this page that I had to bring it to the forground again for us newbies. I hate to tell you younger folks but the fact is that it is true that some of us have a hard time remembering AND learning ie. remembering what we read now. I just can not seem to get things that I read now to stick like I use to. I did think I was very smart because I could learn/teach myself so much. I love to learn. Now I tell you this in order to express my frustration over this: I DON'T THINK I AM EVER GOING TO LEARN THIS STUFF! Sometimes I think that I have BECOME stupid! I can still remember if I read it 100 times! So thanks for giving us all these good links and now I am going to have to start reading them over&over&over...99, 100!

  • This website's Genetics link explains a lot about colors:



    Pinto is pretty much like a pinto horse. My buck, Sebastian, is pinto

    Chamoisee can be a lot of things, but I think it is mostly some shade of brown with black markings on the legs, belly, topline and face.  I think if you look up an Oberhasli coloring it would be considered chamoisee or swiss marked? Chamoisee can also be broken by another color.

    Buckskin is a solid color over the shoulders and down the sides and broken buckskin is when that color is broken up by other colors.  My buck, Ferdinand is broken buckskin (with moonspots)

    Moonspots are a very coveted coloring =)  

    My guess is that Holstein is like the cow.

    Spots are pretty self explanatory. =)

    Roan sounds to me like the horse, from the description I read.

    I know that many people do NOT want agouti colored Nigerians (black and white ticked), since that is what a lot of Pygmy goats are.  I'm not sure if it is disallowed or not.  This could be changing.  I know of one major breeder who is adding a line to her NDs that has this coloring.  She is calling it her Alpine Line.  She calls it cou clair rather than agouti, so it might not be the same thing.

    The sites you listed are really good.  I don't know enough to say if they missed any. =)




  • You know I have had a surprisingly hard time learning about coloring and the names for it. AGS has a descent page but it seems to leave out some like 'moon spots' etc. It'd be wonderful if there was a more thorough compilation of pics somewhere showing a few pics of each color name. For example I don't know if AGS even refers to 'holstein' as a color (maybe that's just a fun nickname people use?), or would just call it 'random'. Here are the sites I've found so far with some good stuff: 







    One site listed these: Color patterns include: Buckskin, Pinto, Holstein, Spots, Solid, Chamoisee & Swiss marked, and Moon Spots.


  • Thanks for the feedback!  Let me know if anything else would be helpful too!
  • oh great thanks! I really like the 'what to look for in a dairy goat' diagrams too - helpful!
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