
  • Remove the bandage immediately. There is one thing that has zero controversy -- you never bandage livestock injuries. It leads to infection. I know it sounds crazy, but I can't think of anything that has ever been bandaged. They don't even stitch something unless it's a huge incision like a csection.
  • Is there anything I should look out for
  • I believe she was vaccinated by the former owner in march. It stopped and I doctored it with the iodine I had and covered it for tonight

    Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:

    That is entirely up to you, as the whole topic of vaccines is somewhat controversial. Some people say that whenever there is any kind of cut or broken skin, you should do a booster. If the goat isn't vaccinated, you'd give the antitoxin rather than the toxoid (vaccine). If the goat was vaccinated recently, you might not need to booster. Unfortunately, there isn't anything concrete on this, so you get to define "recently" for yourself. There are anecdotal stories on both sides of the spectrum here.

  • That is entirely up to you, as the whole topic of vaccines is somewhat controversial. Some people say that whenever there is any kind of cut or broken skin, you should do a booster. If the goat isn't vaccinated, you'd give the antitoxin rather than the toxoid (vaccine). If the goat was vaccinated recently, you might not need to booster. Unfortunately, there isn't anything concrete on this, so you get to define "recently" for yourself. There are anecdotal stories on both sides of the spectrum here.

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