A mystery.. Anyone have any thoughts on this??

Hello everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone has encountered this before. Yesterday morning I saw that one of my does was standing off to the side , which is normal for her at feeding time she kind of a diva and like to make a big entrance up to the feeder.  But this was a bit different she was standing with her head all fluffed up and shivering from the neck up. I saw that she was drinking and urinating but no poop. I was worried about that and also the possibility of bloat. I took her temp which was normal gut sounds normal color normal no smelly breath. So I loaded her up and off to the vet we go. My vet confirms all normal did bloodwork all normal everything normal!  We gave her an injection of Banamine and an antibiotic injection of Excede, also a Vitamine B injection to help stimulate the appetite. I left her there for several hours and picked her up later. At that point she had several bowel movements and picked a bit at food. At home she picked a bit more at food and had several more bowel movements. This morning, after worrying all night, I went to the barn and held my breath...She does not have the shivering thing or the fluffed up appearance she has pooped and urinated. She is just not into eating ..She just picks! I have taken her temp again normal again color all else normal I gave her probiotics and will give her another injection of Vitamine B. Appearance  wise she looks fine she just kind of pensive and really just picking at food. I have also drenched her with bicarbonate of soda. I anyone has any ideas or have seen this before I'd love to hear from you. Fecal was also normal.  

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  • Just an update! She is doing fine now...Eating really well never really knew what she had going on. Just relieved my lil Diva is right again..Thanks for the input and ideas...Lisa

  • Unless you really are superwoman with x-ray vision, you probably won't see a dental problem. :) They had to x-ray my llama to see that he had an abscessed tooth.
  • You know I have been wondering about that possibility. I have looked in her mouth and haven't seen anything but I just may not be catching it.  She will go out and browse the pasture and eat that. But offer her a  Wheat Thin (which they go goofy for) and she smells at it and looks like she wants it then nothing. My vet has said if things don't resolve we would need to do a transfer of rumen "juice".But she said she has good gut sounds so she really does not want to have to do that if its really not needed.  

  • Dental problem? Abscessed tooth?
  • No kids not pregnant...

  • I really don't know...did she recently have kids or is she pregnant?
  • Sorry guys if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. Sorry I'm just thinking faster then I can type!!!


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